
The Union County Health Department has received notice of a third lab confirmed case of COVID-19 in a Union County resident. The individual is an adult female. A contact investigation is underway to identify and notify close contacts of the individual. Close contacts will be notified by public health. Close contacts will be assessed for symptoms and instructed to self-quarantine (separate themselves from others and not go to any public places) for 14 days while monitoring for symptoms.

As of March 25, Union County reports two adult females and one adult male have tested positive for COVID-19.

The Union County Health Department will not release additional personal information regarding the ill individual in compliance with HIPPA and Protected Health Information laws. Those identified as having close contact with the ill individual will be notified by Public Health. Public health will not release a listing of locations visited by the individual unless the contact investigation warrants such an announcement in order to protect the health of the public.

“We want to make sure our community understands that these confirmed cases are only a small snapshot of what is likely happening in our community. With limited testing and the knowledge that community spread is occurring in Ohio, we are not relying on confirmed cases to serve as a benchmark for how widespread the illness may be, and neither should our residents,” said Union County Health Commissioner Jason Orcena. “But residents also need to know that we each can make a difference in slowing this virus down. Staying home when we are sick or when we are caring for someone who is sick is a powerful tool. Social distancing, washing your hands thoroughly and frequently, covering coughs and sneezes with your sleeves, regularly disinfecting high touch surfaces are all tools we can each use every day to slow this spread.”

As Dr. Amy Acton, Director of the Ohio Department of Health and Union County Health Commissioner Jason Orcena have been reporting for the past several weeks, we know community spread has been occurring throughout Ohio, likely within our own community. We urge you to stay home when you are sick. You do not need to be a confirmed case to follow this critical public health direction. If you are caring for or live with someone who is sick, please self-quarantine if at all possible. If you can’t self-quarantine, then you must practice social distancing (keeping 6 feet from each other) and avoid being around other people.

The Ohio Department of Health will continue to report case counts at 2pm daily. The Union County Health Department will continue to release information through our website and social media channels as it is made available to us.

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