
Back to Orange Level: Today the Ohio Department of Health reduced the public health alert level for Union County to a Level 2 alert. Thank you to all Union County residents, businesses, community organizations, faith communities, and others who have worked together to slow the spread of this novel virus in our community. Lets keep it going!

Per the Ohio dashboard, Union County is flagging 3 indicators rather than 4 indicators which has resulted in the reduction of the alert level. The data now indicates a decrease in outpatient visits for COVID symptoms which had been increasing earlier in the month. Union County remains above the new cases per capita ratio that is used by the CDC to define areas experiencing moderately high incidence of the novel virus. You can check out the Ohio Public Health Alert data profile for Union County at https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/public-health-advisory-system/.

Ohio Mask Order & Mass Gathering Limit Still in Place: The State of Ohio mask order (with limited exceptions) and 10-person mass gathering limits (with specified exceptions) are still in place. Our staff continue to respond to concerns reported by residents and support businesses and community gathering places as they comply with the statewide orders. As we continue to move through summer, please remember to wash your hands, practice social distancing and use face coverings when out, monitor for symptoms and stay home when sick.

As of 2pm today, the Union County Health Department is reporting 201 cumulative cases of COVID-19 (169 confirmed, 32 probable). Currently, we are monitoring 36 cases of individuals in isolation with active infections. We are now reporting 15 cumulative hospitalizations due to COVID-19 with 2 individuals currently hospitalized. 1 death due to COVID-19 has been reported. 169 individuals have been released from isolation and are no longer considered infectious. The median age is 37 with an average age of 39.4. The age range of <1 to 89. 52.7% are female and 47.3% are male.

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