
Case Count: The Union County Health Department is reporting 86 cumulative cases of COVID-19 (66 confirmed, 11 probable, 9 positive antibody test) among Union County residents as of 3pm on July 07. Currently there are 8 individuals considered actively ill and in isolation. 77 cases have been released from isolation and are no longer considered infectious. 1 COVID-19 associated death has been reported. Hospitalization has been required for 8 individuals during the course of their illness (2 individuals are currently hospitalized). 6 individuals have been asymptomatic (shown no signs of illness). Illness onset has ranged from Jan. 13 and Jul. 03, 2020. The median age is 44 and the average age is 41.7. The age range is <1-89. 52.3% of cases are male and 47.7% are female.

Public Health Orders: Ohio has extended public health orders until the State of Emergency declared by the Governor ends or the Ohio Director of Health rescinds or amends the orders. This includes the mass gathering limit and the COVID-19 sector specific safety requirements for businesses, sports, and other venues.

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